August 10, 2006

Terrorist plots and nothing to read

Came home from running some errands today and my mom greeted me with the news that 21 would-be terrorists were arrested in London earlier today...*whew*. I will never understand these people, or what exactly is going on in their minds. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to.

Anyway, now all the rules for security and carry-on luggage have completely changed. No books, no electronics, no liquids, no food, no actual bags: everything has to be packed in plastic baggies of some nature, and easily accessible for searching. This means that I have one rather long flight with nothing to read/listen to, and one short flight with the same impediments. I'm actually rather glad that I decided that I will take the AVE from Madrid to Seville...maybe trains will be slightly more relaxed.

I'm not scared. More than anything, I'm relieved that nothing bad actually happened, and (I'll admit it) more than a little annoyed that I actually have to watch the inflight movie. Oh well...


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